Understanding various Campaign Types (Overview)
We mainly have two kinds of traffic: Incent and Non-Incent which further have various campaign categories/types as explained below:- Recommended Artic…
Getting Started with Managed (High Volume) Campaigns
What is Managed (High Volume) Campaign? Managed campaigns are the way to go if you need to push large volumes in a short time. Please keep in mind th…
Getting Started with Campaigns
Please go through this quick guide and follow the instructions given below to get started quickly:- Overview: Register a FREE Account on our Self-Ser…
Tips to Speed Up or Optimize your Campaign
We have some quick tips which may help you Speed Up or Optimize your campaign up to some extent. Please go to https://app.cpidroid.com/campaign/manage…
How to Edit Settings of a Campaign?
Once your campaign is approved, you may edit your campaign settings from your dashboard. In case it's still in review and you are unable to edit it, …
How to Start or Reinstate a Campaign?
For Paused Campaign: Add sufficient budget to your campaign (if remaining budget is low) at https://app.cpidroid.com/campaign/manage, check for blue …
List of Supported, IAB Compatible Creatives Formats:
Banners: Dimensions Size Types Name 120x20 100KB png, jpg, gif Small Banner 300x50 100KB png, jpg, gif Standard Banner 320x50 100KB png, jp…
How to Stop or Terminate a Campaign?
You may pause your running campaign at https://app.cpidroid.com/campaign/manage (login required) by hitting yellow "Pause" button given under "Action…
Difference Between Incent and Non-Incent Advertisement?
What is Incent Advertisement? Introduction:An Incentive Advertisement is a type of advertising that intends to activate potential customers with putti…
Getting Started with CPA (Cost per Action) Campaigns
What is CPA (Cost per Action) Campaign? CPA campaigns require the user to trigger an event by completing a certain action. The action must be free and…
Getting Started with High Retention Campaigns
Please go through this quick guide and follow the instructions given below to get started quickly:- What is High Retention Campaign? Types of High…
Getting Started with Keyword Search Campaigns
What is Keyword Search Campaign? In Keyword Search campaigns, User will redirect to a landing page and give the users keywords they are supposed to us…
Troubleshooting Campaign Suspension
Campaigns are generally suspended automatically when the CR is too lower than usual or if tracking integration does not work as expected. If your camp…
How to Rank an App Higher in Category or Top Charts?
Overview:As per the market research as well as our experience so far, in order to boost category ranking or top chart ranking, the core concept is to …
How to SpeedUp Campaign Approval?
If your campaign is in approval and taking longer than usual, you may want to reach out to support and help the team with some key information to spee…
Getting Started with Web / APK campaigns
You may create Web campaigns at https://app.cpidroid.com/campaign/add?platform=web&dashboard=advertiser For APK campaigns, kindly create web campaig…