Getting Started with High Retention Campaigns

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Written by Luisa Woodfine Updated over a week ago

Please go through this quick guide and follow the instructions given below to get started quickly:-

What is High Retention Campaign?

High Retention campaigns require users to keep your app for 3 days. Any user who uninstalls sooner won't count as conversion, so the total number of installs delivered will be above your campaign volume. HR campaigns come with extensive statistics and don't require any SDK.

High Retention campaigns are recommended for those who come under one or more of the following needs/situation:-

  • Want users to retain for a longer time.

Types of High Retention Campaigns:-

Campaign Type Conversion Tracking Availability
Incent CPI - High Retention Install + Open + Keep for >3 Days  Standard Android
Incent CPI - Search (high-retention) Search + Install + Open + Keep for >3 Days  Standard Android


How to create High Retention Campaign?

You can create High Retention campaign at by selecting the appropriate option in the Campaign Type field accordingly.

Recommended Article: Getting Started with the Campaign Setup (Creating a Campaign)

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